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  1. Be respectful, courteous and helpful to all judoka at all times.

  2. Be punctual at all scheduled classes or training sessions.

  3. Never practice Judo while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  4. Do not come to practice if you have open wounds, skin conditions, colds, flu, or communicable diseases.

  5. Keep finger & toenails trimmed short & clean (for safety reasons).

  6. Remove all jewelry and body piercings prior to practice.

  7. Female student must wear a white crew neck style T-shirt (no V-neck) under the Judo gi.

  8. No eating, drinking or gum chewing on the mat.

  9. Help keep the dojo clean and tidy. A clean and tidy dojo is a safe dojo.

  10. Practice in clean Judo gi. The Judo gi jacket must always be worn with the left lapel crossed over the right.

  11. Remove your shoes prior to entering through the dojo (training hall) door. Change into slippers or zoris before entering dojo floor (if you don’t bring yours, you can borrow from the dojo). Always wear slippers or zoris when not on the mat.  Properly line up slippers or zoris at the entry area of the mat (together with toes pointing away from the mat area.)

  12. Bow when you enter and leave the dojo, and when you step on and off the mat.

  13. Always walk around the edges of the mat, and never walk in front a sensei who is watching his students train.

  14. When sitting on the mat, sit in a seiza position or cross legged. Do not sit in a reclining position or with your legs outstretched to avoid injury.

  15. Any occurrence of bullying, stealing, swearing, or insolence are not acceptable forms of behavior and could result in disciplinary action.

  16. If you are late for practice, please wait at the edge of the mat until your sensei acknowledges you before joining the class.

  17. If you need to leave the class because of an injury or if you feel ill, you should seek your sensei's permission or acknowledgement. If you feel pain or weakness, you should stop immediately and let your sensei know what is wrong.

  18. Parents should not coach or instruct your child on what to do during class, training session, or tournaments because you may tell them something that is incorrect or not safe to do for themselves or the other students. Coaching is only done by Highlands Judo Dojo certified coaches.

  19. Seek your sensei’s permission before visiting another dojo. Visit only when Highlands Judo Dojo is not practicing. When Highlands Judo Dojo is practicing, you are expected to attend our practices (while maintaining a dojo membership in good standing). The following rules must be observed when visiting the other dojo:

    • Arrive early and approach the head sensei to ask for permission to participate (even though you’re well-known to him). Thank him when you leave.

    • Inquire about and pay any required visitors fee, and sign any waiver, if required.

    • Adopt a humble attitude - you are there to learn. Work hard!

    • Be respectful. Remember you are representing Highlands Judo Dojo when you visit.

  20. Do not enter a tournament without the consent of your sensei.


©2019 by Highlands Judo Dojo.

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